We Afriglob.com are happy for you And we take you seriously, because you privacy is so important to us. This privacy policy Tell's you what personal and grand information we collect and how we can use that ,Okay this privacy and policy primer to learn more about privacy policies in general.
Every blog or website have they policies that rule them, As we Afriglob do have our know privacy policy that govern us. Information copyright from our users in uniformity of ways based on their personal identification which includes collecting Information when any users visits the blog, In any other actives or services we offer in this blog.
We Afriglob.com uses Cookie's to store information about visitors order to better serve the visitor and the visitor with customized content
Routine information collection all web server's track basic information about their visitors this information include ÷
1. IP address.
2.Browser details .
3.Timestamps .
4.Referring pages.
The information is tracked for routine administration and maintenance purposes, around the world conflict is forcing record numbers of people from their homes with over 70 millions of people now displaced as humanitarian workers deliver aid and medical workers provide for those in need they are all too often tentered as threats.
Finally have needed any information about our policies in this blog or any information about us just contact us.
1. IP address.
2.Browser details .
3.Timestamps .
4.Referring pages.
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